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cure, and finally, Monsieur Tuvache, the mayor, with his two sons, rich, crabbed, obtuse persons, who farmed their own lands and had feasts among themselves, bigoted to boot, and quite unbearable companions. But from the general background of all these human faces Emmas stood out isolated and yet farthest off; for between her and him he seemed to see a vague abyss. In the beginning he had called on her several times along with the druggist. Charles had not appeared p ray ban aviator blue lenses articularly anxious to see him again, and Leon did not know what to do between his fear of being indiscreet and the desire for an intimacy that seemed almost impossible. Chapter Four When the first cold days set in Emma left her bedroom for the sitting-room, a long apartment with a low ceiling, in ray ban aviator blue lenses which there was on the

Monsieur Binet has assured me that all precautions have been taken. No sparks have fallen; the pumps are full. Let us go to rest. Ma foi! I want it, said Mad ray ban aviator blue lenses ame Homais, yawning at large. But never mind; weve had a beautiful day for our fete. Rodolphe repeated in a low voice, and with a tender look, Oh, yes! very beautiful! And having bowed to one another, they separated. Two days later, in the Final de Rouen, there was a long article on the show. Homais had composed it with verve the very next morning. Why these festoons, these flowers, these garlands? Whither hurries this crowd like the waves of a furious sea under the torrents of a tropical sun pouring its ray ban aviator blue lenses heat upon our heads? Then he spoke of the condition of the peasants. Certainly the Government was doing much, but not enough. Courage

answered arrogantly that these articles had been ordered, and that he would not take them back; besides, it would vex madame in her convalescence; the doctor had better think it over; in short, he wa ray ban aviator blue lenses s resolved to sue him rather than give up his rights and take back his goods. Charles subsequently ordered them to be sent back to the shop. Felicite forgot; he had other things to attend to; then thought no more about them. Monsieur Lheureux returned to the charge, and, by turns threatening and whining, so managed that Bovary ended by signing a bill at six months. But hardly had he signed this bill than a bold idea occurred to him: it was to borrow a thousand francs from Lheureux. So, with an embarrassed air, he asked if it were possible to get them, adding that it would be for ray ban aviator blue lenses a year, at any

that formerly, before him, she had loved someone. Not like you, she went on quickly, protesting by the head of her child that nothing had passed between them. The young man believed her, but none the less questioned her to find out wh ray ban aviator blue lenses at he was. He was a ships captain, my dear. Was this not preventing any inquiry, and, at the same time, assuming a higher ground through this pretended fascination exercised over a man who must have been of warlike nature and accustomed to receive homage? The clerk then felt the lowliness of his position; he longed for epaulettes, crosses, t ray ban aviator blue lenses itles. All that would please herhe gathered that from her spendthrift habits. Emma nevertheless concealed many of these extravagant fancies, such as her wish to have a blue tilbury to drive into Rouen, drawn by an English

is to be placed a large ray ban aviator blue lenses piece of green velvet. This is my wish; see that it is done. The two m ray ban aviator blue lenses en were much surprised at Bovarys romantic ideas. The chemist at once went to him and said This velvet seems to me a superfetation. Besides, the expense Whats that to you? cried Charles. Leave me! You did not love her. Go! The priest took him by the arm for a turn in the garden. He discoursed on the vanity of earthly things. God was very great, was very good: one must submit to his decrees without a murmur; nay, must even thank him. Charles burst out into blasphemies: I hate your God! The spirit of rebellion is still upon you, sighed the ecclesiastic. Bovary was far away. He was walking with great strides along by the wall, near the espalier, and he ground his teeth; he raised to heaven looks of

and not really making time, fooling around with this sullen girl and spending all my money. It made me sick. I hadnt slept in so long I got too tired to curse and fuss and went off to sleep; I curled up on the seat with my canvas bag for a pillow, and slept till eight oclock in the morning among the dreamy murmurs and noises of the station and of hundreds of people passing. I woke up with ray ban aviator blue lenses a big headache. Slim was gone - to Montana, I guess. I went outside. And ray ban aviator blue lenses there in the blue air I saw for the first time, far off, the great snowy tops of the Rocky Mountains. I took a deep breath. I had to get to Denver at once. First I ate a breakfast, a modest one of toast and coffee and one egg, and then I cut out of town to the highway. The Wild West festival was still going on; there was a rodeo, and

sister that night. We had about thirteen or less. So before the daily room rent was due again we packed up and took off on a red car to Arcadia, California, where Santa Anita racetrack is located under snow-capped mountains. It was night. We were pointed toward the American continent. Holding hands, we walked several miles down the road to ge ray ban aviator blue lenses t out of the populated district. It was a Saturday night. We stood under a roadlamp, thumbing, when suddenly cars full of young kids roared by with streamers flying. .Yaah! Yaah! we won! we won!. they all shouted. Then they yoohooed us and got great glee out of seeing a guy and a girl on the road. Dozens of such cars passed, full of young faces and .throaty young voices,. as the saying goes. I hated every one of them. Who did they t ray ban aviator blue lenses hink they were,

a jiffy, came back with the full story, jumped in the car just as everybody was tooting to go, and we slipped off, passing two or three cars in a narrow space, and found ourselves darting through Algiers. .Where? Where?. Dean was yelling. We decided first to clean up at a gas station and inquire for B ray ban aviator blue lenses ulls whereabouts. Little children were playing in the drowsy river sunset; girls were going by with bandannas and cotton blouses and bare legs. Dean ran up the street to see everything. He looked around; he nodded; he rubbed his belly. Big Ed sat back in the car with his hat over his eyes, smiling at Dean. I sat on the fender. Marylou was in the womens John. From bushy shores where infinitesimal men fished with ray ban aviator blue lenses sticks, and from delta sleeps that stretched up along the reddening land, the big