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the regret remained ray ban aviators 3025 58mm with her. Chapter Nine Often when Charles was out she took from the cupboard, between the folds of the linen where she had left it, the green silk cigar case. She looked at it, opened it, and even smelt the odour of the lininga mixture of verbena and tobacco. Whose was it? The Viscounts? Perhaps it was a present from his mistress. It had been embroidered on some rosewood frame, a pretty little thing, hidden from all eyes, that had occupied many hours, and over which had fallen the soft curls of the pensive worker. A breath of love had passed over the stitches on the canvas; each prick of the needle had fixed there a hope or a memory, and all ray ban aviators 3025 58mm those interwoven threads of silk were but the continuity of the same silent passion. And then one morning the Viscount had taken

Paul says. But what does Monsieur Bovary think of ray ban aviators 3025 58mm it? He! she said with a gesture of contempt. What! replied the good fellow, quite astonished, doesnt he prescribe something for you? Ah! said Emma, it is no earthly remedy I need. But the cure from time to time looked into the church, where the kneeling boys were shouldering one another, and tumbling over like packs of cards. I should like to know she went on. You look out, Riboudet, cried the priest in an angry voice; Ill warm your ears, you imp! Then turning to Emma, Hes Boudet the carpenters son; his parents are well off, and let him do just as he pleases. Yet he could learn quickly if he would, for he is very sharp. And so sometimes for a joke I call him Riboudet like the road one takes to go to Maromme and I even say Mon Riboud ray ban aviators 3025 58mm et. Ha!

motherhis! Rodolphe had lost his twenty years ago. Emma none the less consoled him with caressing words as one would have done a lost child, and she sometimes even said to him, gazing at the moon I am sure that above there together they approve of our love. But she was so pretty. He had possessed so few women of such i ray ban aviators 3025 58mm ngenuousness. This love without debauchery was a new experience for him, and, drawing him out of his lazy habits, caressed at once his pride and his se ray ban aviators 3025 58mm nsuality. Emmas enthusiasm, which his bourgeois good sense disdained, seemed to him in his heart of hearts charming, since it was lavished on him. Then, sure of being loved, he no longer kept up appearances, and insensibly his ways changed. He had no longer, as formerly, words so gentle that they made her cry, nor passionate

fault-findings faded before the poetry of the part that absorbed her; and, drawn tow ray ban aviators 3025 58mm ards this man by the illusion of the character, she tried to imagine to herself his lifethat life resonant, extraordinary, splendid, and tha ray ban aviators 3025 58mm t might have been hers if fate had willed it. They would have known one another, loved one another. With him, through all the kingdoms of Europe she would have travelled from capital to capital, sharing his fatigues and his pride, picking up the flowers thrown to him, herself embroidering his costumes. Then each evening, at the back of a box, behind the golden trellis-work she would have drunk in eagerly the expansions of this soul that would have sung for her alone; from the stage, even as he acted, he would have looked at her. But the mad idea seized her that he was

what will happen now? she went on. Oh, its very simple; a judgment and then a distraintthats about it! Emma kept down a desire to strike him, and asked gently if there was no way of quieting Monsieur Vincart. I dare say! Quiet Vincart! You dont know him; hes more ferocious than an Arab! Still Monsieur Lheureux must interfere. Well, listen. It seems to me so far Ive been ray ban aviators 3025 58mm very good to you. And opening one of his ledgers, See, he said. Then running up the page with his finger, Lets see! lets see! August 3d, two hundred francs; June 17th, a hundred and fifty; March 23d, forty-six. In April He stopped, as i ray ban aviators 3025 58mm f afraid of making some mistake. Not to speak of the bills signed by Monsieur Bovary, one for seven hundred francs, and another for three hundred. As to your little installments, with the

called to mind the massacre of St. Bartholomew a propos of a grant of one hundred francs to the church, and denounced abuses, aired new views. That was his phrase. Homais was digging and delving; he was becoming dangerous. However, he was stifling in the narrow limits of journalism, and soon a book, a work was necessary to him. Then he composed General Statistics of the Canton of Yonville, followed by Climatological Remarks. The statistics drove him to philosophy. H ray ban aviators 3025 58mm e busied himself with great questions: the social problem, moralisation of the poorer classes, pisciculture, caoutchouc, railways, etc. He even began to blush at being a bourgeois. He affected the artistic style, he smoked. ray ban aviators 3025 58mm He bought two chic Pompadour statuettes to adorn his drawing-room. He by no means gave up his shop. On the

Commerce types of the new West decided to revive the place. They polished up the opera house, and every summer stars from the Metropolitan came out and performed. It was a big vacation for everybody. Tourists came from everywhere, even Hollywood stars. We drove up the mountain and found the narrow streets chock full of chichi tourists. I t ray ban aviators 3025 58mm hought of Majors Sam, and Major was right. Major himself was there, turning on his big social smile ray ban aviators 3025 58mm to everybody and oohing and aah-ing most sincerely over everything. .Sal,. he cried, clutching my arm, .just look at this old town. Think how it was a hundred -what the hell, only eighty, sixty years ago; they had opera!. .Yeah,. I said, imitating one of his characters, .but theyre here.. .The bastards,. he cursed. But he went off to enjoy himself, Betty

Meaulnes. by Alain-Fournier, but I preferred reading the American landscape as we went along. Every bump, rise, and stretch in it mystif ray ban aviators 3025 58mm ied my longing. In inky night we crossed New Mexico; at gray dawn it was Dalhart, Texas; in the bleak Sunday afternoon we rode through one Oklahoma flat-town after another; at nightfall it was Kansas. The bus roared on. I was going home in October. Everybody goes home in October. We arrived in St. Louis at noon. I took a walk down by the Mississippi River and watched the logs ray ban aviators 3025 58mm that came floating from Montana in the north - grand Odyssean logs of our continental dream. Old steamboats with their scrollwork more scrolled and withered by weathers sat in the mud inhabited by rats. Great clouds of afternoon overtopped the Mississippi Valley. The bus roared