amuse themselves by fishing for on Sundays. We leave the highroad at La Boissiere and keep straight on to the top of the Leux hill, whence the valley is seen. The river that runs through it makes of it, as it were, two regions with distinct physiognomiesall on the left is pasture land, all of the right arable. The meadow stretches under a bulge of low hills to join at the back with the pasture land of the Bray country, while on the eastern side, the plain, gently rising, broadens out, ray ban prescription frame showing as far as eye can follow its blond cornfields ray ban prescription frame . The water, flowing by the grass, divides with a white line the colour of the roads and of the plains, and the country is like a great unfolded mantle with a green velvet cape bordered with a fringe of silver. Before us, on the verge of the horizon, lie
opposition to her husband, that she could drink off a large glass of brandy, and, as Charles was stupid enough to dare her to, she swallowed the brandy to the last drop. In spite of her vapourish airs as the housewive ray ban prescription frame s of Yonville called them, Emma, all the same, never seemed gay, and usually she had at the corners of her mouth that immobile contraction that puckers the faces of old maids, and those of men whose ambition has failed. She was pale all over, white as a sheet; the skin of her nose was drawn at the nostrils, her eyes looked at you vaguely. After discovering three grey hairs on her temples, she talked much of her old age. She often fainted. One day she even spat blood, and, as Charles fussed aro ray ban prescription frame und her showing his anxiety Bah! she answered, what does it matter? Charles fled to
courtiers smile; for he needed to humour Monsier Canivet, whose prescriptions sometimes came as far as Yonville. So he did not take up the defence of Bovary; h ray ban prescription frame e did not even make a single remark, and, renouncing his principles, he sacrificed his dignity to the more serious interests of his business. This amputation of the thigh by Doctor Canivet was a great event in the village. On that day all the inhabitants got up earlier, and the Grande Rue, although full of people, had something lugubrious about it, as if an execution had been expected. At the grocers they discussed Hippolytes illness; the shops did ray ban prescription frame no business, and Madame Tuvache, the mayors wife, did not stir from her window, such was her impatience to see the operator arrive. He came in his gig, which he drove himself. But the
genuflexion of devout persons in a hurry. The crystal lustres hung motionless. In the choir a silver lamp ray ban prescription frame was burning, and from the side chapels and dark places of the church sometimes rose sounds like sighs, ray ban prescription frame with the clang of a closing grating, its echo reverberating under the lofty vault. Leon with solemn steps walked along by the walls. Life had never seemed so good to him. She would come directly, charming, agitated, looking back at the glances that followed her, and with her flounced dress, her gold eyeglass, her thin shoes, with all sorts of elegant trifles that he had never enjoyed, and with the ineffable seduction of yielding virtue. The church like a huge boudoir spread around her; the arches bent down to gather in the shade the confession of her love; the windows shone
Anyhow, she did not know. All wit ray ban prescription frame hin her and around her was abandoning her. She felt lost, sinking at random into indefinable abysses, and it was almost with joy that, on reaching the Croix-Rouge, she saw the good Homais, who was watching a large box full of pharmaceutical stores being hoisted on to the Hirondelle. In his hand he held tied in a silk handkerchief six cheminots for his wife. Madame Homais was very fond of these small, heavy turban-shaped loaves, that are eaten in Lent with salt butter; a last vestige ray ban prescription frame of Gothic food that goes back, perhaps, to the time of the Crusades, and with which the robust Normans gorged themselves of yore, fancying they saw on the table, in the light of the yellow torches, between tankards of hippocras and huge boars heads, the heads of Saracens to be
around the campus had reached the completion of its cycle and was stultified, but beca ray ban prescription frame use, somehow, in spite of our difference in character, he reminded me of some long-lost brother; the sight of his suffering bony face with the long sideburns and his straining muscular sweating neck made me remember my boyhood in those dye-dumps and swim-holes and riversides of Paterson and the Passaic. His dirty workclothes clung to him so gracefully, as though you couldnt buy a better fit from a custom tailor but only earn it from the Natural Tailor of Natural Joy, as De ray ban prescription frame an had, in his stresses. And in his excited way of speaking I heard again the voices of old companions and brothers under the bridge, among the motorcycles, along the wash-lined neighborhood and drowsy doorsteps of afternoon where boys
was that it was too sad. Remi could barely read it, and so he just carried it down to Hollywood a few weeks later. Lee Ann ray ban prescription frame was too bored and hated us too much to bother reading it. I spent countless rainy hours drinking coffee and scribbling. Finally I told Remi it wouldnt do; I wanted a job; I had to depend on them for cigarettes. A shadow of disappointment crossed Remis brow - he was always being disappointed about the funniest things. He had a heart of gold. He arranged to get me the same kind of job he had, as a guard in the barracks. I went through the ray ban prescription frame necessary routine, and to my surprise the bastards hired me. I was sworn in by the local police chief, given a badge, a club, and now I was a special policeman. I wondered what Dean and Carlo and Old Bull Lee would say about this. I had
the Christmas tree, the presents, and smelled the roasting turkey and listened to the talk of the relatives, but now the bug was on me again, and the bugs name was Dean Moriarty and 1 was off on another spurt around the road. 69 2 We packed my brothers furniture in back of the car and took off at dark, promising to be back in thirty hours - thirty hours for a thousand miles north and south. But thats the way Dean wanted it. It was a tough trip, and none of us noticed it; the heater was not working and consequently the windshield developed fog and ice; Dean kept reaching out wh ray ban prescription frame ile driving seventy to wipe it with a rag and make a hole to see the road. .Ah, holy hole!. In the spacious Hudson we had plenty of room for all four of us to sit up front. A blanket covered ou ray ban prescription frame r laps. The radio was