whither Madame Homais had called him to fetch the children, who were falling asleep in the arm-chairs, and dragging down with their backs calico chair-covers th ray ban red wayfarer at were too large. Not many people came to these soirees at the chemists, his scandal-mongering and political opinions having successfully alienated various respectable persons from him. The clerk never failed to be there. As soon as he heard the bell he ran to meet Madame Bovary, took her shawl, and put away under the shop-counter the thick lis ray ban red wayfarer t shoes that she wore over her boots when there was snow. First they played some hands at trente-et-un; next Monsieur Homais played ecarte with Emma; Leon behind her gave her advice. Standing up with his hands on the back of her chair he saw the teeth of her comb that bit into her chignon.
The small muslin curtain along the windows deepened the twilight, and the gilding of the barometer, on which the rays of the sun fell, shone in the looking-glass between the meshes of the coral. Rodolphe remained st ray ban red wayfarer anding, and Emma hardly answered his first conventional phrases. I, he said, have been busy. I have been ill. Seriously? she cried. Well, said Rodolphe, sitting down at her side on a footstool, no; it was because I di ray ban red wayfarer d not want to come back. Why? Can you not guess? He looked at her again, but so hard that she lowered her head, blushing. He went on Emma! Sir, she said, drawing back a little. Ah! you see, replied he in a melancholy voice, that I was right not to come back; for this name, this name that fills my whole soul, and that escaped me, you forbid me to use! Madame Bovary!
waited daily with a mind full of eagerness for the inevitable return of some trifling events which nevertheless had no relation to her. The most important was the arrival of the Hirondelle in the evening. The ray ban red wayfarer n the landlady shouted out, and other voices answered, while Hippolytes lantern, as he fetched the boxes from the boot, was like a star in the darkness. At mid-day Charles came in; then he went out again; next she took some beef-tea, and towards five oclock, as the day drew in, the children coming back from school, dragging their wooden shoes along the pavement, knocked the clapper of the shutters with their rul ray ban red wayfarer ers one after the other. It was at this hour that Monsieur Bournisien came to see her. He inquired after her health, gave her news, exhorted her to religion, in a coaxing little
caught sight of Monsieur Bournisien in the chaise of Monsieur Tuvache, who was driving him to Rouen. Then he went down to give the priest a ray ban red wayfarer thick shawl that he was to hand over to Emma as soon as he reached the Croix-Rouge. When he got to the inn, Monsieur Bournisien asked for the wif ray ban red wayfarer e of the Yonville doctor. The landlady replied that she very rarely came to her establishment. So that evening, when he recognised Madame Bovary in the Hirondelle, the cure told her his dilemma, without, however, appearing to attach much importance to it, for he began praising a preacher who was doing wonders at the Cathedral, and whom all the ladies were rushing to hear. Still, if he did not ask for any explanation, others, later on, might prove less discreet. So she thought well to get down each time at the
load, were weighing upon her. The church cloc ray ban red wayfarer k struck two. They could hear the loud murmur of the river flowing in the darkness at the foot of the terrace. Monsieur Bournisien from time to time blew his nose noisily, and Homais pen was scratching over the paper. Come, my good friend, he said, withd ray ban red wayfarer raw; this spectacle is tearing you to pieces. Charles once gone, the chemist and the cure recommenced their discussions. Read Voltaire, said the one, read DHolbach, read the Encyclopaedia! Read the Letters of some Portuguese Jews, said the other; read The Meaning of Christianity, by Nicolas, formerly a magistrate. They grew warm, they grew red, they both talked at once without listening to each other. Bournisien was scandalized at such audacity; Homais marvelled at such stupidity; and they were
over the wholesale fruitmarkets outside Denver; there were smokestacks, smoke, railyards, red-brick buildings, and the distant downtown gray-stone buildings, and here I was in Denver. He let me off at Larimer Street. I stumbled along with the most wicked g ray ban red wayfarer rin of joy in the world, among the old bums and beat cowboys of Larimer Street. 25 6 In those days I didnt know Dean as well as I do now, and the first thing I wanted to do was look up Chad King, which I did. I called up his house, t ray ban red wayfarer alked to his mother - she said, .Why, Sal, what are you doing in Denver?. Chad is a slim blond boy with a strange witch-doctor face that goes with his interest in anthropology and prehistory Indians. His nose beaks softly and almost creamily under a golden flare or hair; he has the beauty and grace of a
of rickety trucks and mud-spattered jalopies, parked. Whole Mexican fruit-picking families wandered around eating popcorn. Terry talked to everybody. I was beginn ray ban red wayfarer ing to despair. What I needed -what Terry needed, too -was a drink, so we bought a quart of California port for thirty-five cents and went to the railroad yards to drink. We found a place where hobos had drawn up crates to sit over fires. We sat there and drank the wine. On our left were the freight cars, sad and sooty red beneath the moon; straight ahead the ligh ray ban red wayfarer ts and airport pokers of Bakersfield proper; to our right a tremendous aluminum Quonset warehouse. Ah, it was a fine night, a warm night, a wine-drinking night, a moony night, and a night to hug your girl and talk and spit and be heavengoing. This we did. She was a
whose father, a mad-paretic, had died and left a fortune. Bull himself only got fifty dollars a week from his own family, which wasnt too bad except that he spent almost that much per week on his drug habit - and his wife was also expensive, gobbling up about ten dollars worth of benny tubes a week. Their food bill ray ban red wayfarer was the lowest in the country; they hardly ever ate; nor did the children - they didnt seem to care. They had two wonderful children: Dodie, eight years old; and little Ray, one year. Ray ran around stark naked in the yard, a little blond child of the rainbow. Bull called him .the 85 Little Beast,. after W. C. Fields. Bull came driving into the yard and unrolled himself from the car bone by bone, and came over wearily, wearing glasses, felt hat, shabby suit, long, le ray ban red wayfarer an, strange,